Why Don't I Have Skin Cancer?By Ray Allard (Tan Plus/Essentials Of Life)
Motivated by the increasing rates of melanoma and non-melanoma (basal cell and squamous cell) cancers make it easy to point a finger at what might appear to be the most obvious culprit, the sun or tanning salons. But, the truth is, there has been an explosion in all chronic diseases over the last 50 years. Rapid increases are occurring, not only in all types of cancer, but AIDS, arthritis, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, diabetes, heart disease, lupus, M.S., mental illness, allergies, alzheimers, and more. Is tanning the sole cause of skin cancer or is it a trigger influenced by today's lifestyles? Growing up in the fifties, I have witnessed what progress has created. Today's version of a home-cooked meal comes out of a microwave oven. Our general daily diet is that of fast, fried foods and sugar (all forms of cancer love sugar). We have replaced water with mega-sized bottles of soft drinks and other high sugared beverages. A strenuous workout for many is pushing the buttons on the t.v. remote or rolling down the car window at the drive-up. Technology has further compounded our already stressful lives with beepers and cell phones. The food we eat has been processed, refined, irradiated, injected with hormones and antibiotics, preserved, and coated with pesticides. And, we have further weakened our immune systems through excessive use of antibiotics and drugs, both prescribed and over-the counter. Antibiotic abuse has deemed them no longer effective in treating many viruses. Have we drifted so far from nature that our bodies are confused and have gone on strike? I am in my seventies, grew up in Portsmouth (NH), spending the better part of every summer hanging out at Rye and Hampton beaches. I experienced several burning and peeling episodes during my teens and later. I have never in my lifetime used a sunblock or sunscreen or worn a hat, for that matter. For more than 30 years I have owned and/or operated an indoor tanning salon, tanning one or two times every week, year round. Shouldn't I have skin cancer by now? The medical professions' campaign to lower skin cancer rates, through advocating total avoidance of sun and indoor tanning and continual application of sunscreen, may prove more harmful than beneficial. Current beliefs are based on statistics and predictions, but no credible study to date supports claims that skin cancer is the sole result of sun and/or tanning exposures. To the contrary, many findings seem to indicate that the sun may not be acting alone in the development of some skin cancers and may not even be implicated in others. Does The Sun Cause Melanoma? The dramatic increase in melanoma deaths during the last 70 years has been attributed to sunbathing, yet deadly melanoma cancer appears on relatively shaded areas of the body, including the middle of the back, or the inside of the thigh, areas that are covered most of the time. According to Barbara Gilchrest, M.D., dermatology chair at Boston Medical Center (based on a study at Boston University and as reported in Health News 6/99) "Most people who develop melanoma work indoors and have intense but limited exposure to the sun only on weekends or during vacations." A retired Australian occupational medicine specialist, Dr. Allen Christophers, reviewed 14 case-controlled studies which examined the relationship between melanoma incidence and total accumulated sun exposure. An article, based on his findings titled " Melanoma Is Not Caused By Sunlight" was published in Mutation Research. The title appropriately reflects his findings. These, more recent findings, support a study published in 1990 of 4.6 million naval personnel that found that melanoma occurred most frequently on those sailors who worked inside. Those who worked alternately inside and outside had the lowest risk. The study, entitled "Occupational Sunlight Exposure and Melanoma in the U.S. Navy," was conducted by doctors Frank and Cedric Garland (University of California School of Medicine at San Diego). Previous to that study were those conducted at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, England and the University of Sydney's Melanoma Clinic, Sydney Hospital, Australia (published in the British medical journal, Lancet, August 7,1982). Researchers in those studies discovered that the incidence of malignant melanomas was considerably higher in office workers than in individuals who were regularly exposed to sunlight due to lifestyle or occupation. Are Sunblocks The Solution or Part of The Problem? Controversy has also been developing over the potential negative effects of the use or "overuse" of sunscreens. Some believe that the rise in melanoma incidence correlates with the widespread use of sunscreen. Sunscreens prevent burning, which is nature's warning to get out of the sun. People, especially those of the more sensitive skin types, are slopping on the sunscreen and staying out in the sun longer thereby receiving excessive doses of UV-A rays, which are not blocked by sunscreen. UV-A rays have been thought to cause melanoma. Sunscreens also block sunlight's ability to produce vitamin D. Others, including myself, believe that synthetic chemicals, found in most sunblocks, may actually promote cancer. Less serious basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas are found on areas that receive the most sun year-round (the face, arms, and backs of the hand). There seems to be higher incidences in lighter-skinned people, especially when chronic over exposures and sunburning is involved. Other factors including diet and vitamin deficiencies have been implicated as precursors. Although I am not aware of specific research, I personally believe that chlorine may share some responsibility. Chlorine is used as a disinfectant in our public water supply systems to prevent bacteria. By-products of chlorine (trihalomethanes) have been linked to various types of cancer. We absorb the chlorine through the skin, and eventually into the bloodstream, from our morning showers and the use of swimming pools. The sun and chlorine are also very drying to the skin. In addition, most people today are chronically dehydrated, since they prefer other beverages over drinking the recommended 8-10 eight ounce glasses of water daily. While most would agree that excessive, prolonged exposures to ultraviolet light rays may prove harmful, numerous studies indicate that moderate exposures, without burning, are more inclined to produce positive health effects. Sunlight is our only reliable source of vitamin D (various factors indicate that milk is no longer a good source). The body's ability to absorb calcium is linked to vitamin D production, which has been shown to be a factor in decreasing the risks of contracting breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, cancers of the blood and lymph tissues, and even osteoporosis. Cancer incidences have also been found to be lower in sunny climates. Various studies supporting the vitamin D and sunlight connection in relation to prevention of disease have been conducted by Dr. Frank Garland, Dr. Cedric Garland, Dr. Michael Holick (Boston University School of Medicine), and others. Some studies have indicated that there is a relationship between vitamin A, C, and E deficiencies and skin cancer, while other research has implicated high fat diets as a precursor to skin cancer. So, Why Don't I Worry About Skin Cancer? Considering my lifestyle of sun exposure growing up and the past 30 years of indoor tanning exposures, one would think that I should be, at least, concerned about contracting skin cancer. After all, I have completely ignored any and all recommendations concocted by the "medical experts" and propelled by the news media. Our research in establishing Essentials Of Life, in 1994, led us to seeking a preventive approach to skin cancer and other diseases from a different perspective, both inside and out. Concern over the wide use of potentially toxic chemicals in skin care products led us to the development of our own "natural" product line. We searched out and added specific products that counter the environmental aspects of our declining "quality of life' (contaminants in our drinking water, poor indoor air quality, and unbalanced, artificial lighting). We added specific multi-vitamin, essential fatty acid, and other formulas effective in supplementing a healthy diet. We use what we sell. We have been lied to by drug companies, the government, and even doctors. We must come to realize that, individually, we must take responsibility for our own health in the prevention of any disease including skin cancer. For me, disease prevention through nutrition, moderate exercise, rest, and UV exposure in moderation (without sunblock), is the real cure. More Tanning Views & FAQ’s Tan Plus...Experience The Difference WARNING: Our Tanning And Skincare Products Will Leave Your Skin So Soft And Supple... They May Become Habit-Forming. Who Do You Trust With Your Skin? Tanning Products • CoolStuff • TanStuff Moisturizers • Aloe Plus • BurnStuff Skin & Tanning Supplements Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) ExplainedWhat is electromagnetic radiation? The interactive change of electric and magnetic fields generates electromagnetic waves, and the phenomenon of the air-launch or exposure of electromagnetic waves is called as electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic radiation exceeding the safety limit causes the electromagnetic pollution. At present, the electromagnetic pollution has become the first major pollution, being ranked before the sewage, waste gas and noise. Electromagnetic radiation and physical health On the subject whether the electromagnetic field (50-60HZ) of industrial frequency impacts the physical health, occident countries have made a large number of surveys and statistical analysis and obtain a surprising result: the probability of occurrence of human tumors is closely related to the low-frequency electromagnetic radiation. Mechanism of electromagnetic radiation on the human body The human body, being a conductor, can absorb electromagnetic energy. Under the action of electromagnetic field, the human body will cause thermal effects. The greater the strength of electromagnetic field, the more obvious the thermal effects are. In addition, it will interfere with the transmission of bio-electrical information of the human body. Harms of electromagnetic radiation on the human body are mainly showed Electromagnetic radiation can widely impact the human health, and can change neurological, reproductive, cardiovascular and immune functions, eye vision, etc. The main symptoms include headache, dizziness, memory loss, inability of concentration, depression, irritability, women's menstrual disorders, breast cancer, skin aging, breathing difficulties, back pain and so on. The rate of occurrence of leukemia of people often contacting with electromagnetic radiation is 2.93 times higher than that of the healthy people, and the rate of occurrence of brain tumors is 3.26 times higher than that of the healthy people. On Sale On Sale Cell Phone EMF Harmonizer & Heat Reducer
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Protect Your Ears, Brain & Body Against The Harmful Effects Of Cell Phone Radiation & Heating Anti-Electromagnetic Radiation Cell Phone Anti-Electromagnetic Radiation Patch/Sticker. Specially designed Cell Phone Anti-Electromagnetic Patch can effectively remove headache, insomnia and hair loss caused by Electronic radiation. prevent stress, fatigue, and brain tumors and blood cancer caused by electromagnetic radiation. Ray Allard (Essentials of Life) - My wife (June) had been getting jaw pain while using her cell phone. She had to hold the phone further away from her ear to try to alleviate it. After applying the cell phone harmonizer, the jaw pain went away. I would hate to think how her health would have been affected a few years down the road without the protection. Is Technology Killing Us? Quantum Shield EMR Anti-Radiation Sticker
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The Radisafe Electromagnetic Radiation Card is made of the latest nano absorb material. The work performance is similar to U.S. stealth aircraft coating. It is essentially different from the metal shielding products currently on the market. It is a truly absorbing decontamination of hightech products.
The Radisafe Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Card can absorb electromagnetic radiation into the card (including a range of cards weeks) of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic waves will be absorbed in the form of heat dissipation, thereby forming a card about 30 cm radius from the surface of the protection, to reduce electromagnetic radiation, protection of human health. Negative ions and weak magnetic field is very beneficial to human body. PEMF MEDALLION Portable Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device - Personal EMF Neutralizer
Scientists suspect that certain illnesses are caused at least partially by the cumulative burden of constant and higher level of EMF exposures. Daily use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device helps significantly offset and neutralize the negative effects of harmful magnetic fields. Use a personal EMF neutralizer multiple times daily to protect yourself from EMF pollution.
Portable Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device to effectively neutralize harmful EMF signals
Stomach Acid - Friend Or Foe?By secreting hydrochloric acid and the hormone pepsin, the stomach plays a key role in food digestion. When our ability to make hydrochloric acid is compromised, poor digestion, poor absorption and gastrointestinal infection may result, which can lead to a host of health problems. Diagnosis of low stomach acid (Hypochlorhydria) can be obtained by performing a gastric pH analysis test. Treatment of Hypochlorhydria consists of supplementing with “stomach acid” pills in the form of Betaine HCL. Terminology Associated With Stomach Acid Problems: Hyperchlorhydria - the production of too much stomach acid. This can cause corrosion of the stomach lining leading to stomach and duodenal ulcers. Hypochlorhydria - where the stomach doesn’t make enough acid to do the job of handling food intake and performs its responsibilities in an inefficient way. Achlorhydria - when the stomach makes no acid at all, its lining cells are flat and non-functioning. This condition is called atrophic gastritis. How Prevalent Is Hypochlorhydria? Research conducted in the 40’s at John Hopkins University and the Mayo Clinic found low stomach acid in 30% of people by the age of 40, 60% by the age of 60 and 70-75% by ages of 70 to 75. Over the last 40 years this has been ignored and brushed aside as irrelevant by the traditional medical community. However, hypochlorhydria and achlorhydria can lead to consequences in our health that are non-optimal and deleterious. The Adverse Effects Of Hypochlorhydria Include: Malnutrition • Amino acid deficiencies due to poor digestion and assimilation of protein. Low grade amino acid deficiencies can be associated with muscle wasting, immuno-deficiency, nervous system dysfunction and reduce liver detoxification. • Multiple mineral deficiencies particularly of calcium, iron, magnesium and possibly selenium, chromium, manganese, copper and other trace minerals. Deficiencies of these minerals can further cause ill health and increased risk to degenerative diseases. • Vitamin B12 deficiency. This is particularly seen in achlorhydric patients where there is no production of intrinsic factor. This is a chemical compound produced by the stomach which tags onto vitamin B12 released from protein in the stomach and carries it down the intestine to allow B12 to be absorbed in the lower part of the small intestine. Food Intolerances When protein is poorly digested, partially digested fragments can gain access to the body and initiate an activation of the immune system causing conditions associated with food intolerance, e.g. arthritis, rhinitis, asthma, eczema, urticaria (hives) and colitis. Colon Toxicity An increased lead of undigested protein fragments can get to the colon and feed a section of the flora there which overgrow, produce poisonous substances (like ammonia and various biogenic aminos) which are toxic to the body if allowed access to the general circulation. This is called putrefaction of the bowel. Conditions And Diseases Associated With Hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid) Addison’s disease Anemia-Iron Deficiency Asthma Magnesium, avoiding food allergens and addressing low gastric acid. Celiac disease – Wheat gluten sensitivity Chronic autoimmune disorders Chronic hives Cognitive Dysfunction and Dementia from B12 deficiency Dermatitis herpetiformis (herpes)-typical for wheat gluten sensitivity Depression- Leaky Gut with LPS Diabetes – Autoimmune type one Eczema Gall bladder disease – associated with hypochlorhydia Graves disease-Autoimmune-Elevated TSH receptor ab-Yersinia molecular Mimciry with TSH receptor Hepatitis Iron deficiency-Low Iron and Low ferritin Hyper and hypothyroidism- Autoimmune-Hashimotos Thyroiditis Lupus erythematosus -autoimmune Myasthenia gravis Neuropathy and Neuro Psychiatric Disorder from B12 deficiency Osteoporosis-from Calcium Malabsorption Pernicious anemia – Parietal Cell Antibodies-B12 deficiency-gastric atrophy Psoriasis-autoimmune Rheumatoid arthritis-autoimmune Rosacea Sjögren’s syndrome – Autoimmune Thyrotoxicosis-three types: Graves, Hashitoxicosis, and Txic Nodular Goiter Vitiligo Chronic intestinal parasites or abnormal flora -GI-Fx shows parasite DNA Undigested food in stool-Demonstrated on GI-FX test Chronic candida infections-from gut dysbiosis Upper digestive tract gassiness-from dysbiosis Signs And Symptoms Of Low Stomach Acid • Belching, bloating, burning, or “acid reflux” after eating, immediately after meals. • Sense of fullness after eating. • Indigestion and constipation because food is not being digested properly • Skin conditions such as Acne, Rosacea, Urticaria, Eczema • Dilated blood vessels in the cheeks and nose (in non-alcoholics), this is called “Rosacea Acne • Vertical ridging on the nails because of inability to absorb nutrients from food, Weak, peeling, and cracked fingernails. • Leg and foot cramps from mineral deficiencies because you are not absorbing minerals. • Chronic injuries due poor amino acid status and inability to restore tissue, muscle atrophy and wasting. • Multiple Food allergies, which may be associate d with asthma. • Gallstones. You may have already had a cholecystectomy. • Poor cognitive function and the onset of dementia. • Low bone mineral density and osteoporosis. • Itching around the rectum from parasites. • Hair loss in women. One also sees this in women who are pregnant, on oral contraceptive pills or estrogen replacement therapy and in folic acid deficient individuals. • Abdominal bloating, in the upper part with consumption if animal protein, especially beef, when food just “sits there like a rock” and doesn’t “digest” well. Diagnosis is done by performing the Heidelberg gastric pH analysis test. This involves swallowing a capsule the size of a large multi-vitamin and mineral which has within it a pH electrode and a radio transmitter. The signal given off is sent to an antenna which the patient wears around the stomach in the form of a belt and the result is shown on a large machine which visualizes pH readings. When safely swallowed and in place, resting stomach pH is measured. Except in severely achlorhydric patients, it is usually acid (pH of 1.8 to 2.3). The stomach is then made to work by the patient swallowing a known amount of sodium bicarbonate. When this is done, the stomach becomes alkaline and then acid is made to bring down the pH to the baseline. In abnormal stomach this occurs within 20 minutes after 4 or 5 challenges. The reacidification time is delayed in these individuals with hypochlorhydria. This procedure is very reliable in diagnosing sub-optimal gastric acidity states and confirms the clinical diagnosis. Digestin Digestive Enzymes from Progressive Laboratories
Enzymes are complex protein molecules that are manufactured by all plant and animal cells. Enzymes are very important because they break up large food molecules into smaller units that are absorbed into the cells. They help the body digest food and assimilate nutrients from proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and plant fibers. In addition, enzymes assist in all chemical reactions taking place in our body; including the regeneration of cells/tissues and the elimination of waste products/toxins as well as supporting our immune system.
Digestin... Digestive Aid For Protein, Fat And Starch Digestin™ is a two-phase digestive enzyme capsule that works in both the upper and lower digestive tract. Its exclusive enteric matrix formulation allows part of its enzymes to be released in the gastric phase and part in the enteric phase of digestion. Contains Bile Powder - Supports fat digestion in the small intestine. Useful for people who have had their gall bladder removed. Supports the pancreas, gall bladder and liver in producing bile salts and helps digest fats. Acida-Zyme HCI w/Pepsin from Progressive Laboratories
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Stomach acid is a crucial step in the digestive process. Responsible for breaking down proteins, producing bile, stimulating the pancreas to produce digestive enzyme, and killing harmful bacteria, stomach acid is crucial for healthy digestion and assimilation of food. Without optimal stomach acid, we are vulnerable to poor digestion and all of its manifestations, gas, bloating, eczema, allergies, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, vitamin deficiencies and many chronic degenerative diseases.
Acida-Zyme Betaine HCI ... Digestive Aid With Pepsin Acida-Zyme is a digestive aid containing betaine HCl for patients with insufficient stomach acid. Taken with meals, Acida-Zyme particularly supports digestion of protein and fats. Super Papaya Enzyme Plus
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Chewable Super Papaya Enzyme Plus...The After Meal Supplement
An advanced, more powerful digestive aid, this 100% natural "after meal" supplement may be especially helpful when looking for a higher level of support. Each serving contains 15mg of delicious papaya fruit fortified with well-known enzymes, including papain, protease, amylase, and bromelain, which may help improve the absorption of food and protein digestion. Peppermint and chlorophyll have been added to refresh taste and sweeten breath. Free Of: yeast, wheat, milk or milk derivatives, lactose, sugar, preservatives, soy, artificail color, artificial flavor. contains sodium (less than 5mg per serving). Directions: Adults, chew 3 tablets following meals, or dissolve 1 or 2 tablets in mouth when needed. Warning: If you are pregnant, nursing or taking medications, consult with your doctor before use. Probiotic Broad Spectrum From Progressive Laboratories
Only a few left! A specially developed probiotic formula featuring 10 high quality probiotic species, for a total of about 10 Billion CFU (colony forming units) per caplet. This product also features the patented BIO-tract® delivery system that protects the live organisms from gastric acid to ensure their delivery into the intestines. This formula also contains fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) which are added to provide food for bacterial proliferation. The best part is ... No Refrigeration is Required!! Simply keep this product in a cool, dry place for best storage. Bio-tract®'s exclusive gel matrix technology allows for a gel protective layer to continuously form and erode around the tablet; releasing probiotic organisms as it travels through the digestive tract providing controlled delivery and ensuring the organisms remain active at consistent levels throughout the day. You can count on Probiotic Broad Spectrum to deliver the highest level of all day digestive, intestinal and immune support essential for healthy digestion, natural regularity, intestinal function and immune health. DGL Complex From Progressive Laboratories
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Throughout history, people have used licorice root to reduce inflammation, soothe digestive problems and treat upper respiratory issues. There are more than 300 different compounds in licorice, some of which have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties.
DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice root, heals stomach ulcers, promotes healthy digestion, and alleviates GERD, which is so prevalent in today’s society. And it does all this without interfering with cortisol levels. DGL is powerful because it doesn’t just relieve symptoms, it heals the digestive tract. The natural ingredients in DGL Complex from Progressive Laboratories supports the ability of the gastric lining to protect and repair itself without upsetting the acidic environment of the stomach. Take one capsule three times daily, or more, as directed by a health care professional. Digestion: What Doctors Won't Tell YouEssentials Of Life was officially established in 1994, but was actually founded in the mid 70's, unintentionally, by my wife June, as a result of health problems she had when we were living in Vermont. Despite one doctors' suggestion that she examine alternatives before electing to have surgery, a dairy product triggered an attack that left with no choice but to have her gall bladder removed. After the operation, we assumed that her digestive problems would be history. By the time we moved back to New Hampshire, in 1982, June's digestive problems had resumed. Doctors, even a referred specialist in gastroenterology (digestive system) didn't seem to have the answers. She was diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), but even the recommended dietary changes made little difference. All too often, stomach pain became a normal interruption to her sleep pattern. She read all of the medical books and related articles she could find. Frustrated and determined to get well, she began reading about natural alternatives. A whole new world opened up when she discovered digestive enzymes. Unlike harsh OTC drugs that interact with and deplete stomach acid, digestive enzymes work in the pancreas to properly break the food down. Foods were once rich with built-in enzymes but have become deficient. Less than two weeks after taking enzymes with meals, stomach cramps previously occurring within a half hour after eating, became a rarity instead of the norm. For under $20.00, years of pain and thousands of dollars in medical costs were virtually erased and Essentials Of Life was being born. We know that digestive enzymes may not be the single remedy for every stomach disorder. But, we do know that it isn't normal to be sick. Behind every symptom there's a cause. June's dedication to learning about her illness ultimately led to the quality of life she can finally enjoy. More than twenty five years before Essentials Of Life was established, Dr. Jim Perry in Vermont unknowingly planted a seed as he implied that there may be other options to surgery. Over 7 billion dollars a year is spent on over-the-counter and prescription digestive aids for symptoms including acid indigestion, digestive upsets, gas, bloat, poor elimination, and more. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body depends on the healthy digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food. Unfortunately, cooking and processing methods destroy enzymes in our food that are so necessary for proper digestion. Our bodies can't manufacture enough of the right ones. As a result, our bodies attempt to compensate by withdrawing enzymes needed for digestion from its own "bank". Over time, these heavy withdrawals coupled with skimpy deposits lead to a bankrupt digestive system and ultimately, a lifetime of improper digestion, poor nutrient absorption, and less than ideal cell regeneration-degeneration. Tagamet, Pepcid, Tums, and other antacids, designed to reduce stomach acid, are merely masking the symptoms and may make a bad situation worse by disrupting the body's natural digestive process. When there is insufficient hydrochloric/gastric acid, whether naturally or from taking antacids, nutrients cannot be absorbed. Antacids also reduce hydrochloric acid so that food isn't broken down completely, resulting in fermentation, allergic symptoms, and painful intestinal problems. Meat needs large amounts of acid to be broken down. Without adequate stomach acid it rots in the intestine, inviting bacteria that can cause painful gas, bloating, and if chronic, colon infections and eventually cancer. In masking the symptoms in the stomach, are we neglecting the real cause of the problems in the pancreas? The pancreas is a digestive organ in the abdomen, located just below the stomach. The primary job of the pancreas is to produce enzymes required for the digestion and absorption of food. Each day the pancreas secretes about 1.5 quarts of pancreatic juice into the small intestine. The enzymes secreted by the pancreas break down food by breaking the chemical bonds that hold food molecules together. Enzymes secreted include lipases which digest fat, proteases which digest proteins, and amylases which digest starch molecules. Do You Need Your Gallbladder? The gall bladder stores bile, and releases it in optimum quantities when it is needed. Without your gall bladder, the liver will still produce bile, but the bile will leak inside you because it will not have a proper place to go.The spleen breaks down worn-out red blood cells into bile salts and other substances. (Even worn out blood cells get used). Bile salts are normal in the body when in normal amounts. The liver removes excess bile salts and wastes and sends them to the gall bladder for storage. The liver is the body's principal chemical plant. If a man built a plant to perform all the chemical functions someone's liver could perform, the plant would cover 500 acres. While the products are in the gall bladder, water is reabsorbed and so the waste products get more and more concentrated and form bile. Bile is needed for 3 things:
Roughly 20 million Americans suffer from gallstones, and 750,000 of them have their gallbladders removed each year. There are 800,000 hospitalizations and 2 billion dollars spent annually on gallbladder disease. from Living Without A Gallbladder by Dr. Loretta Lanphier, ND, CN, HHP: For most people the pain of a malfunctioning gallbladder eventually becomes unbearable. After several trips to the emergency room the mention of surgery is met with certain approval. Unfortunately this seemingly simple solution may or may not end the pain and discomfort of gallbladder disease. The probable after-effects of gallbladder surgery are never discussed with the patient which leaves the patient with the impression that all will be back-to-normal after surgery. But it doesn't take long to realize that all is "not well" and the patient soon begins to feel very betrayed by their surgeon and doctor who did not prepare them for "life without a gallbladder." Contrary to medical opinion the gallbladder is of use to the body. The gallbladder is a small sac underneath your liver that stores and secretes bile, a digestive fluid that breaks down fats. Gallstones form when the chemical compounds in bile become unbalanced -- no one's sure exactly why this happens, but a diet high in fat often makes the problem worse. Since bile is actually produced by the liver, it's possible to survive without a gallbladder, but often not without unpleasant digestive tract complications.The gallbladder is like a pump. Without it, the liver can't secrete enough bile to properly digest a full meal. Many people experience symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, constipation, increased allergies, liver congestion, itchy skin and autoimmune diseases. Some patients suffer from dumping syndrome, in which food is "dumped" too quickly into the intestines from the stomach. Suggestions for living without a gallbladder: If your gallbladder is removed your Liver will still produce bile. It won't be the amount that the gallbladder was able to store, but enough. Eat lower fat foods and smaller portions at each meal.
Ox Bile is a suitable supplement to the liver's production of bile. Bile is naturally produced by the body and is used in the process of digestion. Symptoms of constipation and a tan colored stool may indicate that the body's production of bile is less than optimal. Ox Bile supports the pancreas, gall bladder and liver in producing bile salts and helps digest fats. Binds with cholesterol which is then flushed out of the body. Reduces bloating, gas, nausea and pain after a high fat meal. Bile is essential in peristalsis - the wavy action that moves food through the intestines.
Digestin Digestive Enzymes from Progressive Laboratories
Enzymes are complex protein molecules that are manufactured by all plant and animal cells. Enzymes are very important because they break up large food molecules into smaller units that are absorbed into the cells. They help the body digest food and assimilate nutrients from proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and plant fibers. In addition, enzymes assist in all chemical reactions taking place in our body; including the regeneration of cells/tissues and the elimination of waste products/toxins as well as supporting our immune system.
Digestin... Digestive Aid For Protein, Fat And Starch Digestin™ is a two-phase digestive enzyme capsule that works in both the upper and lower digestive tract. Its exclusive enteric matrix formulation allows part of its enzymes to be released in the gastric phase and part in the enteric phase of digestion. Contains Bile Powder - Supports fat digestion in the small intestine. Useful for people who have had their gall bladder removed. Supports the pancreas, gall bladder and liver in producing bile salts and helps digest fats. Acida-Zyme HCI w/Pepsin from Progressive Laboratories
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Stomach acid is a crucial step in the digestive process. Responsible for breaking down proteins, producing bile, stimulating the pancreas to produce digestive enzyme, and killing harmful bacteria, stomach acid is crucial for healthy digestion and assimilation of food. Without optimal stomach acid, we are vulnerable to poor digestion and all of its manifestations, gas, bloating, eczema, allergies, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, vitamin deficiencies and many chronic degenerative diseases.
Acida-Zyme Betaine HCI ... Digestive Aid With Pepsin Acida-Zyme is a digestive aid containing betaine HCl for patients with insufficient stomach acid. Taken with meals, Acida-Zyme particularly supports digestion of protein and fats. Super Papaya Enzyme Plus
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Chewable Super Papaya Enzyme Plus...The After Meal Supplement
An advanced, more powerful digestive aid, this 100% natural "after meal" supplement may be especially helpful when looking for a higher level of support. Each serving contains 15mg of delicious papaya fruit fortified with well-known enzymes, including papain, protease, amylase, and bromelain, which may help improve the absorption of food and protein digestion. Peppermint and chlorophyll have been added to refresh taste and sweeten breath. Free Of: yeast, wheat, milk or milk derivatives, lactose, sugar, preservatives, soy, artificail color, artificial flavor. contains sodium (less than 5mg per serving). Directions: Adults, chew 3 tablets following meals, or dissolve 1 or 2 tablets in mouth when needed. Warning: If you are pregnant, nursing or taking medications, consult with your doctor before use. Probiotic Broad Spectrum From Progressive Laboratories
Only a few left! A specially developed probiotic formula featuring 10 high quality probiotic species, for a total of about 10 Billion CFU (colony forming units) per caplet. This product also features the patented BIO-tract® delivery system that protects the live organisms from gastric acid to ensure their delivery into the intestines. This formula also contains fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) which are added to provide food for bacterial proliferation. The best part is ... No Refrigeration is Required!! Simply keep this product in a cool, dry place for best storage. Bio-tract®'s exclusive gel matrix technology allows for a gel protective layer to continuously form and erode around the tablet; releasing probiotic organisms as it travels through the digestive tract providing controlled delivery and ensuring the organisms remain active at consistent levels throughout the day. You can count on Probiotic Broad Spectrum to deliver the highest level of all day digestive, intestinal and immune support essential for healthy digestion, natural regularity, intestinal function and immune health. DGL Complex From Progressive Laboratories
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Throughout history, people have used licorice root to reduce inflammation, soothe digestive problems and treat upper respiratory issues. There are more than 300 different compounds in licorice, some of which have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties.
DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice root, heals stomach ulcers, promotes healthy digestion, and alleviates GERD, which is so prevalent in today’s society. And it does all this without interfering with cortisol levels. DGL is powerful because it doesn’t just relieve symptoms, it heals the digestive tract. The natural ingredients in DGL Complex from Progressive Laboratories supports the ability of the gastric lining to protect and repair itself without upsetting the acidic environment of the stomach. Take one capsule three times daily, or more, as directed by a health care professional. We Don't Age - We AccumulateTurning 50 adds a special meaning to the phrase "without your health, nothing else matters". Statistics indicate that the average life expectancy is about 75. While some of us will live to be 100, most have begun the dying process many years before we reach the age of 50.
I have always considered myself to be healthy, yet through the aging process I had found that between accumulated normal stress, the present environmental conditions, and less than ideal eating habits, my body was on a road of degenerative health. Since growing up in the 50's, I have watched our society convert from independence to one of dependence, especially in the area of health care. It seems we have come to depend on medical technologies and drugs to attempt to correct the damage we incur through unhealthy lifestyles. While we question the "quality of life" we survive on a diet of fast food, work in high-stress jobs, and have replaced walking with the drive-up window. I used to think it was normal to have an occasional headache or a stomach cramp, to become sleepy in the afternoon or wake up in the middle of the night and have difficulty getting back to sleep. I haven't become what some would consider a "natural health fanatic". But, when I reached the age of 50 in 1995, I began focusing on achieving optimum health. Through dietary changes, avoiding the drive-up window, internal cleansing, supplementing with nutritional formulas, drinking filtered water instead of soda, and changing indoor air and lighting, I actually feel better now than I did when I was 30. I get a good night's sleep, every night, have endless energy during the day, and think clearer. Our bodies are made up of cells (about 300 trillion). Millions of cells die each day, while a million new cells are born each and every hour. Every 90 days our blood cells renew. Every 3 years the soft tissues (organs) renew. Every 7 years the hard tissue (bones) renew. If the only nutrients available to our cells are of poor quality, then it stands to reason that the cells may still use these poor-quality nutrients and manufacture poor quality cells. The cells we accumulate transform into health or disease. Positive health changes through natural alternatives won't happen overnight, but I have found that it does happen. My wife's digestive and other medical problems were corrected with natural health alternatives. Her conditions and how her health changed became the driving force behind the creation of Essentials Of Life in 1994. I wish I knew at age 30 what I began to discover at 50. Through making adjustments to diet and lifestyle over time, I have discovered what is is like to experience “Real Health” and it is never too late to begin the transition. Your journey can begin now. The first day of your life that you experience less energy, less vitality, and less mental power, is the first day of your impending illness, Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D., Ph.D The Science Behind The QMRAThe human body is an aggregate of numerous cells, which continuously grow develop, split, regenerate and die. By splitting up, cells renew themselves. For adults, about 25 million cells are splitting up every second and blood cells are constantly renewing at a rate of about 100 million per minute. In the process of cellular split-up and renewal, the charged bodies of nucleus and extra-nuclear electrons as the basis unit of a cell, are moving and changing ceaselessly at a high speed as well, emitting electromagnetic waves without interruption. The signals of electromagnetic waves emitted by human bodies represent the specific condition of human body and therefore, different signals of electromagnetic waves will be emitted by the conditions of good health, sub-health, diseases, etc. The conditions of life can be analyzed if such specific electromagnetic wave signals can be analyzed. The Quantum Bio-Electric Whole Health Analyzer is a new instrument created to analyze such phenomenon. The weak magnetic frequency and energy of human body are collected by holding the sensor, and after amplification by the instrument and treatment by the built-in microprocessor, the data are compared with the standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated in the instrument to judge whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the Fourier approach. Analysis and judgment can thus be made on health conditions and main problems of the tested person based on the result of waveform analysis, as well as standard protective and curative proposals. The method of this form of analysis is an emerging rapid, accurate and non-invasive spectral testing method and particularly suitable for comparison of curative effects medicine and health products, and check of sub-health conditions. There are more than 30 main analysis items, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular condition, bone mineral density, trace elements, blood lead, rheumatism, lung and respiratory tract, nephropathy, blood sugar, stomach and intestines, liver and gall, cranial nerves, gynecology, prostate, bone disease, the trace elements of selenium, iron, zinc and calcium, etc. With only 10 or so cells of pathological change, the analyzer can capture the changes of cells and predict the precursor of disease. By taking health-care actions at this moment, you will be enabled to effectively prevent the various chronic diseases. Multiple indicators of your health can be obtained within minutes. This analysis method is designed to save your time and energy. The database of the analysis system has been established with scientific methods, strict health statistic treatment and demonstration of a large number of clinical cases, thus leading to a high analysis accuracy. Quantum Magnetic Resonant Analyzer (QMRA aka QRMA) involves high-tech innovation projects of medicine, bioinformatics, electrical engineering and other sciences. Using quantum medicine as the theoretical basis, it applies the advanced electronic equipment to collect the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining the tested person's health status and main problems and putting forward standard prevention recommendations. Quantum Magnetic Resonant Analyzer is individualized guide of health care consultation for full body and forward health science, and has the advantages of completeness, non-invasiveness, practicality, simplicity, fastness, economy, easy popularization, etc. With the depth and development of scientific research, it will make a greater contribution for the cause of human health, having a broad development and application prospect. On Sale On Sale QMRA #650 Health Scanner
Hi-Tech Diagnostic Scanner Targets Health Problems At The Cellular Level In Minutes. No More Guesswork... First Target The Cause... Stop Treating The Symptoms.
The Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (QMRA) replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions and quickly helps the practitioner target the cause and make beneficial recommendations helpful to their clients and patients. Languages Available: English, Spanish, German, French, Russian, English-Spanish Combo. For languages listed below or special language combinations check "Other" and contact us for choice. Polish, Indonesian, Portuguese, Slovakian, Malaysian, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Hungarian, Romanian, Japanese, Chinese, Bosnian, Serbian, Dutch, Finnish, Czech, Spanish(Amway), English(Amway). Note: Orders outside the U.S. are shipped direct by the manufacturer. Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery. Most updated software 2023 On Sale On Sale QMRA #651 Health Scanner
Hi-Tech Diagnostic Scanner Targets Health Problems At The Cellular Level In Minutes. No More Guesswork... First Target The Cause... Stop Treating The Symptoms.
The Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (QMRA) replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions and quickly helps the practitioner target the cause and make beneficial recommendations helpful to their clients and patients. Languages Available: English, Spanish, German, French, Russian, Italian, English-Spanish Combo. For languages listed below or special language combinations check "Other" and contact us for choice. Polish, Indonesian, Portuguese, Slovakian, Malaysian, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Hungarian, Romanian, Japanese, Chinese, Bosnian, Serbian, Dutch, Finnish, Czech, Spanish(Amway), English(Amway). Note: This item will be shipped direct by the manufacturer. Please allow 7-10 business days from your purchase date for delivery. Bioresonance Technology NLS Diagnostic SystemsHow Does It Work? All the information about the state of your body is delivered to the brain. We use special trigger sensors which are shaped as headphones in order to connect to it. Furthermore, we use cutting-edge software in order to obtain this data, to decode it and to create an onscreen display in the form of three-dimensional models of organs, tissues and cells. The Principle Of The Method Bio-resonance or NLS-diagnostics aim at obtaining information about the state of your health using computer and special programs. The data about an objective state of body tissues, cells, chromosomes and even hormones are being transmitted in real-time and instantly decoded in the form of specific diagnoses and recommendations. Bioresonance Technology Bioresonance is basically the interaction between the organisms and their frequency patterns that enclose or reverberate due to the movement of the organisms. Bioresonance technology works in collaboration with the Metatron 4025 Hunter biofeedback devices that are known as ‘brain machines’ or psycho-physical amplifiers. Together with improvement of Metatron 4025 Hunter hardware, the software is being improved also. Metatron 4025 Hunter is a new, revolutionary step in software creation. Hundreds of virtual models, starting with chromosomes, DNA and cells and up to models of organs and joints, were added to Metatron 4025 Hunter. Also the algorithm of the software was renewed, thus the effectiveness and reliability of researches was increased. The most significant addition to Metatron 4025 Hunter – is a module called Metatron 4025 Hunter, which allows revealing of oncological on early stages. New user interface of the software is intuitively obvious; all symbols are visual and easy to remember. Metatron 4025 Hunter together with new models of Metatron 4025 Hunter are considered to be a leader in non-linear diagnostics sphere, and medical certificate allows using of the system everywhere. The main feature of Metatron 4025 Hunter software is function called “Three-dimensional Scanning” which allows to localize automatically a nidus where tumor appeared, heritable diseases, etc. and to find the reason of appearance at genome level, passing one after another histological cuts, cytological cuts, chromosome sets, separate chromosomes, and go deeper to fragments of DNA helix. During a research the gross changes in tissues shown on macro cuts are revealed, and then a research of the histological cuts of the chosen tissues is carried out in a place of major pathological changes. Then, after histological cut research is done, the search of significantly changed cells is carried out in order to find changes in cell structures. This algorithm then goes to the level of chromosome set, looks for the changes in separate chromosomes, after that starts a research of DNA helix. Also user may carry out the research of multivariate topological picture and metastatic disease. It allows additional searching for metastasis in other organs. The researches are held in automatic mode and user can interrupt it in any moment. Who Will Benefit From The 4025 Hunter System? People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a Metatron 4025 Hunter device: Physicians, Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Dietitians, Licensed Nutritionists, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants, Integrative Medicine/Cam Program Directors, Practitioners Of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Tcm) And Complementary Medicine, Homeopaths, Massage Therapists, Medical Spas, Wellness And Fitness Centers, Cosmetic Salons, Pharmacists, Medical Students And Faculty, Licensed Herbalists, Anti-Aging And Other Alternative Medicine Practitioners. No doubt, Metatron 4025 Hunter will be your new corporate business model in coming future. It conveys the positive effects and the deep impression on your clients, holds their attention and makes them come back again and again to your business circle. It creates a lot of benefits and makes a lot of money from the following ways in expanding markets on preventive medical fields, medical checkup and its follow-up products or peripheral commodities for a long-term period. On Sale On Sale New Biophilia Tracker X5 Ultra SPECIAL PRICING FOR A LIMITED TIME
The New "Real Revolution" in NLS testing.
The BIOPHILIA is a kind of Pathomorphology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Phamacology, Organ preparation, Nutraceuticals and analysis system of clinical medical database. NEW 2025...The Biophilia Tracker X5 ULTRA 4D NLS Machine...... Added Faster Bacteria and Virus Scanning function Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, German. For languages listed below or special language combinations check "Other" and contact us for choice. Czech , Polish, Romanian, Korean, Bulgarian, Japanese, Portuguese, Malay, Greek,Turkish, Hungarian, Chinese. Special Introductory Price For A Limited Time Note: This item will be shipped direct by the manufacturer. Please allow 7-10 business days from your purchase date for delivery. Hurry...Special Pricing May End Without Notice. On Sale On Sale Bioplasm NLS 2-in-1 (Pro V6.0 + V7.0 )+ Aura Chakras
Bioresonance Technology Bioresonance is interaction between a living organism and its frequency patterns that surround or resonate as the result of the organisms movements. Bioresonance therapy with Bioplasm device biofeedback is communication set between the frequency of a person physical body reverberates and the receiving of these signals by the Bioplasm bioresonance hardware. There are over 12,000 known diseases/allergens that can potentially affect your physical body. Some of these syndromes can be caused by the slightest touch of an affected surface or raise in stress level. Use Bioplasm to ensure that you are in the best condition physically and emotionally. Bioplasm NLS 2+1 (Install Software In Your PC) Includes software (PC compatible with Windows 7 & Windows 8, Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit encryption) Mac(Parallels Desktop) Bioplasm Host • Headset type signal sensor (Bio-Conductor) • Bio-Inductor Cable USB cable • Dongle • Operating Manual • Video teaching DVD Aluminum Case • Food Or Material Analysis Cup (Reasonant Chamber) Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, German. For languages listed below or special language combinations check "Other" and contact us for choice. Czech , Polish, Romanian, Korean, Bulgarian, Japanese, Portuguese, Malay, Greek,Turkish, Hungarian, Chinese. Note: This item will be shipped direct by the manufacturer. Please allow 7-10 business days from your purchase date for delivery. On Sale On Sale New...NLS Biophilia Guardian A1 For Dogs
Good biofeedback systems, like Biophilia Guradian, can trace the changes in pathology and infections by observing the characteristics of these wavelengths and the changes in the tissues and cells of the body. This utilization of frequency analysis is based on this incredible discovery in natural science which allows us to analyze the magnetic vortex of any biological object. Biofeedback was designed to not only help dogs with pain but to identify the specific biological problem in order to address it with natural Biofeedback therapy. Product Size : 37x26x14CM Note: This item will be shipped direct by the manufacturer. Please allow 7-10 business days from your purchase date for delivery. On Sale On Sale NEW Biophilia Intruder
The latest Biophilia Intruder device for analysis and diagnostics of infections and invasions. Good biofeedback systems, like Biophilia, can trace the changes in pathology and infections by observing the characteristics of these wavelengths and the changes in the tissues and cells of the body. This utilization of frequency analysis is based on this incredible discovery in natural science which allows us to analyze the magnetic vortex of any biological object. Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, German. For languages listed below or special language combinations check "Other" and contact us for choice. Czech , Polish, Romanian, Korean, Bulgarian, Japanese, Portuguese, Malay, Greek,Turkish, Hungarian, Chinese. Special Introductory Price For A Limited Time Note: This item will be shipped direct by the manufacturer. Please allow 7-10 business days from your purchase date for delivery. On Sale On Sale Meta Hunter Bioresonance Machine with Chakra Healing
NEW... 4025 Metatron Hunter is now META HUNTER... An advanced Non-Invasive Diagnostic Device for physical examination & analysis system, using the light wave resonance to scan and detect the functional status of the Human body or to trace the gradually formed abnormal conditions in the tissue, cell, chromosome, DNA helix, molecule or entire organ, then provides treatment. Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, German. For languages listed below or special language combinations check "Other" and contact us for choice. Czech , Polish, Romanian, Korean, Bulgarian, Japanese, Portuguese, Malay, Greek,Turkish, Hungarian, Chinese. Note: Orders outside the U.S. are shipped direct by the manufacturer. Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery. Hurry.. Sale Ends Soon And Without Notice. Is Technology Killing Us?In 2008 I became very ill, from what turned out to be prolonged exposure over time, to emf radiation from the electronic devices that surround me at work and in my vehicle. I experienced a variety of very unusual and somewhat bizarre symptoms that affected every cell and organ in my body and could not be diagnosed by medical testing. Medical doctors could not have solved my condition. I am thankful to a stranger named "Skip" for pointing out the causes of my illness and, ultimately, the protection products for saving my life. After a considerable amount of research, we began retailing effective emf and cell phone protection and scalar energy products. My wife (June) had been getting jaw pain while using her cell phone. She had to hold the phone further away from her ear to try to alleviate it. After applying the cell phone harmonizer, the jaw pain went away. I would hate to think how her health would have been affected a few years down the road without the protection. We are both very thankful for the technology. Electricity has become an indispensable part of modern day life. It has made our lives easier. But, is electricity also making our lives shorter? As we consider the many aspects of our health, Electromagnetic Fields (EMF's) produced by the electrical and electronic appliances in our homes and in the workplace, may not be the first thing we consider when making lifestyle and health changes. Once you have a basic understanding of the most fundamental principles of health, is it important to know how safe or unsafe EMFs really are to our health? from healingdaily.com... Can EMFs (electromagnetic fields) from power lines, home wiring, transformers, cell towers, computers, waterbed heaters and microwave ovens cause brain tumors, leukemia, miscarriages, birth defects, headaches, chronic fatigue, cataracts, stress, heart problems, cancer, nausea, forgetfulness and other health problems? Most experts agree that limited, non-chronic exposure to EMFs is not dangerous. BUT, it's not advisable for someone to sleep under an electric blanket, for example, or live near a power line, or sleep in a room where the power enters the home. Such a person is under an extreme case of chronic exposure. This condition, unfortunately, applies to millions of Americans. There is much controversy as to what EMF level can be considered safe. Since the experts have not arrived at any consensus, you will have to decide for yourself. Many utility and government documents report the usual ambient level of 60-Hz magnetic field to be 0.5 mG. ("mG" stands for milliGauss. See below for an explanation of what that is.) Therefore, any reading higher than 0.5 mG is above the 'usual' ambient exposure. Many public officials and experts, as well as the few governments that have made an effort to offer public protection, have adopted the 3 mG cut-off point. The EPA has proposed a safety standard of 1 mG. Sweden has set a maximum safety limit of 1 mG. How Are EMFs Measured? A "Gauss" is a common unit of measurement of magnetic field strength. A Gauss meter is an instrument which measures the strength of magnetic fields. Inside a Gauss meter, there is a coil of thin wire, typically with hundreds of turns in it. As a magnetic field radiates through the coil, it induces an electrical current, which is amplified by the circuitry inside the Gauss meter. Gauss meters may vary in the strength of the magnetic fields which they are capable of measuring. A meter used for measuring EMFs from power lines, transformers, substations and appliances around the home, for example, should be able to measure as low as .1 mG. Avoid low-frequency (60 Hz) pulsating electromagnetic fields such as those found in electric blankets and waterbed heaters. Also, avoid close exposure to any AC/DC transformer for appliances you plug into a wall. Making a reasonable effort to avoid gross exposure to EMFs, would seem to be the right approach. On Sale On Sale Cell Phone EMF Harmonizer & Heat Reducer
What's Your Brain Worth?
Protect Your Ears, Brain & Body Against The Harmful Effects Of Cell Phone Radiation & Heating Anti-Electromagnetic Radiation Cell Phone Anti-Electromagnetic Radiation Patch/Sticker. Specially designed Cell Phone Anti-Electromagnetic Patch can effectively remove headache, insomnia and hair loss caused by Electronic radiation. prevent stress, fatigue, and brain tumors and blood cancer caused by electromagnetic radiation. Ray Allard (Essentials of Life) - My wife (June) had been getting jaw pain while using her cell phone. She had to hold the phone further away from her ear to try to alleviate it. After applying the cell phone harmonizer, the jaw pain went away. I would hate to think how her health would have been affected a few years down the road without the protection. Is Technology Killing Us? Quantum Shield EMR Anti-Radiation Sticker
Quantum Shield "Simply" Blocks A Large Percentage Of EMF Or EMR That Comes Through It And It Really Works!
Anti Radiation & Battery Salvage Cell Phone Sticker The revolutionary Quantum Shield offers the most advanced technology to address stress where you live, work and play. Quantum Shield is the leader in eradicating electro pollution in the world of high technology. The ultimate first-line defense against electro pollution, FusionExcel’s Quantum Shield can be used on any appliance or device emitting electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) or electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as mobile phones, home phones, cars, microwaves, computers, game consoles, home appliances, etc. If it plugs and plays on DC or AC currents, protect it with Quantum Shield. On Sale On Sale (CLEARANCE) EMF Personal Protection - Anti-Radiation Card
Only a few left!
The Radisafe Electromagnetic Radiation Card is made of the latest nano absorb material. The work performance is similar to U.S. stealth aircraft coating. It is essentially different from the metal shielding products currently on the market. It is a truly absorbing decontamination of hightech products.
The Radisafe Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Card can absorb electromagnetic radiation into the card (including a range of cards weeks) of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic waves will be absorbed in the form of heat dissipation, thereby forming a card about 30 cm radius from the surface of the protection, to reduce electromagnetic radiation, protection of human health. Negative ions and weak magnetic field is very beneficial to human body. PEMF MEDALLION Portable Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device - Personal EMF Neutralizer
Scientists suspect that certain illnesses are caused at least partially by the cumulative burden of constant and higher level of EMF exposures. Daily use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device helps significantly offset and neutralize the negative effects of harmful magnetic fields. Use a personal EMF neutralizer multiple times daily to protect yourself from EMF pollution.
Portable Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device to effectively neutralize harmful EMF signals
What's In YOUR Water?The anthrax events that followed the September 11, 2001 tragedy virtually crippled the U.S. postal system and put the lives of postal workers and many Americans at risk. The intense media coverage that followed, fueled the fire to the point where many even purchased gas masks in fear of a possible biological attack. For years to follow, many maintained caution when going to the mailbox, yet turned on the water faucet without the slightest bit of uncertainty. While anthrax appeared to be targeted to a handful of high profile individuals, contaminated water supplies can affect everyone of us. We don't have to wait for a terrorist to poison our water supplies, it's continually being poisoned and little is being done to stop it. 400,000 Sick...100 Die From Drinking Water Containing Microscopic Parasites In 1993 about 400,000 Milwaukee residents became sick from Cryptosporidium, a waterborne parasite. Of those, 100 people died. Chlorination cannot kill this microbe. Further, turning to bottled water may not solve the problem since bottle water is not tested for microbial contaminents like Cryptosporidium. According to Ken Cook, the president of the Environmental Working Group, "Approximately forty-five million Americans in thousands of communities drink water that is polluted with fecal matter, parasites, disease-causing microbes, and pesticides at levels that violate Safe Drinking Water Act standards. 21 Children Die From Exposure To Contaminated Drinking Water The movie A Civil Action , released in 1999, became a powerful and vivid reminder of how our drinking water clearly impacts the quality of our lives, how easily a community's drinking water gets contaminated, and how those responsible for the contamination and ultimately, the deaths of 21 children, were able to escape blame. A Civil Action was based on a real life story that began in Woburn, Mass. where 21 children died when members of the community were exposed to drinking water contaminated by two major industries over a period of time. It took more than 20 years for Massachusetts health authorities to complete its studies and confirm that the children's deaths were caused by drinking water contaminated with trichloroethylene(TCE) and tetrachloroethylene(PCE). 7,000 NH Private Wells Tainted By Gasoline Additive MTBE As reported in Fosters' Daily Democrat (1/31/00), as many as 7,000 wells may have been contaminated with unsafe levels of the gasoline additive MTBE, while as many as 33,000 more contain lower trace levels. MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) is a man-made chemical added to gasoline to reduce air pollution from vehicle emissions. It has been classified as a possible human carcinogen because laboratory rats and mice that breathe or drink it have developed lymphoma, leukemia, testicular tumors, thyroid tumors, and kidney tumors. MTBE is highly soluble in water and degrades slowly. A mere gallon of gasoline containing MTBE can foul an entire community's water supply for years. Chlorine: Friend or Foe? Chlorine has been used in the U.S. since 1908 to kill off microbes that spread cholera, typhoid fever, and other waterborne diseases. Today, about 90% (240 million) of Americans are drinking water that has been disinfected with chlorine. In the mid 1970's scientists discovered that a by-product of chlorine, Trihalomethanes (THMs)had carcinogenic qualities. While saving millions of lives, it is becoming evident that Chlorine by-products contribute to bladder and colon cancer, and possibly miscarriage. A study, recently released by the Environmental Working Group and Public Interest Research Groups identified areas that may have increased health risks, including miscarriage, neural tube defects, and reduced fetal growth from women drinking chlorination by-products. Is bottled water a healthy water? One out of 18 families in the US buys bottled water. But, many bottled waters are simply processed water using distillation, reverse osmosis, de-ionization or filtration. With more than 700 brands of bottled water available in the US, around 80 % have been found to be nothing more than processed waters. Laboratory tests have discovered that some bottled waters contained more Trihalomethanes (Chlorine by-products) than surface and ground waters. Needless to say, bottled waters should be totally free of contaminants and chemical pollutants. To Be or Not To Be Concerned? In a report commissioned by Ralph Nader, at least 2,110 contaminants have been identified in the nation's water supplies. Of these, 700 are considered hazardous to your health, with 129 known to cause cancer. The EPA requires that only 85 of these be tested for and reduced by municipal water companies, with only 8 tested for in private wells in Maine and NH. Our bodies require at least 8 glasses of water each day for proper function. But, today drinking the water is like playing Russian roulette. While we have little control over substances like anthrax, we can protect our drinking water with a point-of-use filtration system capable of reducing a wide range of contaminents including cryptosporidium, MTBE, THMs, and more. We are ultimately responsible for our own and our families' health. When you turn on the tap, you don't have to ask yourself "do I feel lucky today" ? If You Don't Have A Filter...YOU Are The Filter! On Sale On Sale (Clearance) "Water Wizard"TM Counter Top Drinking Water SystemOnly a few left!
The Water WizardTM Countertop is a very Attractive Asset to your Countertop Landscape. This Filter Easily Installs without Tools and Offers 10-12 Months of Purified Water without any Maintenance or Cartridge Replacement. Now you can have Filtered Water at a Finger's Touch for Anything from Drinking Water to Cooking to Plants and Pets.
Replacement cartridge-VOC-1 Compressed Catalytic Carbon Block April ShowerTM Original Shower HeadSold out
The April Shower Original filter offers 12 months of Filtered Water for Your Shower.
The Original Filter uses State-of-the-Art Filtration Technology to remove Harmful Chemicals and Vapors from your Shower. Feel The Difference in your Skin and Hair by Showering with the April Shower Original Filter. Use this Filter in Combination with your Favorite Showerhead Filter Life:10-12 Months (Cartridge Included) Replacement Cartridge: April Shower Replacement Cartridge (APRC) On Sale On Sale (Clearance) April Shower Royale 5-Spray Filtered ShowerheadOnly a few left!
The April Shower® Royale Filtered Shower head is a compact shower filter model that incorporates the filtration and shower head “all-in-one”. The wide shower head, with 5 adjustable spray patterns (fine, mist, fine/full, full and pulse massage), furnishes a luxurious, chlorine-free experience every time you shower. What’s more, this model features anti-scale spray nozzles that prevent calcium stains from ever forming.
Comes all ready to go with an included 6 month replaceable cartridge, APSLC item #756 . Our patented filtration media is clinically proven to make hair more healthy and vibrant and skin softer and smoother. It is the ideal shower to preserve color-treated hair. Water WizardTM Undercounter Drinking Water SystemSold out
The Water Wizard™ Catalytic Carbon Block Under Sink Water Filter System is the ideal filter that supplies purified water without cluttering your counter or tying up your kitchen sink. The Water Wizard Under-Counter unit offers one year of purified water without any maintenance or cartridge replacement.
It removes chloramine, chlorine, VOC’s (volatile organic contaminants) Lead and other Heavy Metals, cyst parasites (Giardia and Cryptosporidium) and makes the water taste great. Now you can have filtered water at a finger’s touch for anything from drinking water to cooking to plants and pets. Replacement cartridge-VOC-1 Compressed Catalytic Carbon Block Health Diagnostic Scanners Introduced In 2010In 2010 Essentials Of Life at Tan Plus began offering a very unique diagnostic health testing service featuring a newly developed high-tech innovation that combines the best of medicine, bio-informatics,
electrical engineering and other sciences. Applying quantum medicine as the theoretical basis, this advanced electronic equipment collects the weak magnetic fields of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining a person's health status and main problems. "If software installed in my computer can diagnose and fix its own potential problems, than why can't someone design software able to detect a persons health problems before they materialize into a more serious state?" Essentials owner Ray Allard has been pondering the question for several years. His question was answered when he was contacted by a medical equipment manufacturer from China that had visited his website. Several pages of the website is devoted to information regarding electromagnetic fields (emf's) and their affect on the human body. Allard's personal health experience and acquired knowledge of emf's helped make the new high-tech health device a perfect fit between the manufacturer and Essentials Of Life. Thus, the business became one of the first in the U.S. to offer the service and sell the device to health practitioners and even for home use. Invented in China by a team of medical and computer experts, the Quantum Bio-Electric Whole Body Health Analyzer was developed based on the study of a hundred million clinical cases over a period of many years. The accuracy rate of the analyzer device can reach up to 85%. By holding the sensor in the palm of your hand, hundreds of health data is obtained from your body within minutes. There are more than 40 main analysis items, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular condition, bone mineral density, blood lead, rheumatism, lung and respiratory tract, nephropathy, blood sugar, stomach and intestines, liver and gall, cranial nerves, gynecology, prostate, bone disease, the trace elements of selenium, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamin levels, including Vitamin D3. The analysis is non-invasive and painless, without blood analysis or radiography. Extensive health reports are produced in a matter of minutes. "The device's ability to detect stomach acid levels alone " says Allard, "has been an eye-opener to many, including myself. People are being prescribed drugs to reduce stomach acid, when, in fact, many actually have LOW stomach acid to begin with and the drugs are reducing what little they have, causing further health complications. If the test determines this is the case, a simple, inexpensive supplement (Betaine hci) can replenish the stomach acid in time while giving immediate relief to the client." Essentials Of Life was founded in 1994 as a division of Tan Plus (established in 1987). Product lines include their own natural skincare, diet and nutritional supplements, S.A.D. light boxes, emf protection products and more. Health practitioners can also purchase the health analyzer with software directly from the website or by contacting [email protected] or calling the business at 603-692-6193. |
Ray Allard (owner/founder)
Essentials Of Life was created in 1995 to contribute to a healthy lifestyle through education and by offering services and products that to make a positive difference in our customers lives and help them put their health on track. Our main purpose is to help our clients by giving them the tools to help them take charge of their own health. Archives
November 2021