What Is Internal Cleansing and Why Is It Important?
You Regularly Clean Your Skin, Hair And Teeth...But When Was The Last Time You Cleaned Your Colon, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs, Liver And Bloodstream?
Internal cleansing is the key to optimum health. It improves energy levels, digestion, elimination, and much more. But,most people confuse internal cleansing with fasting. Internal cleansing is accomplished through a two-part formula called Ultimate Cleanse, created by Dr. Lindsey Duncan, N.D.,C.N. for Nature's Secret. Ultimate Cleanse contains a combination of 51 herbs and fibers to help your body detoxify all five channels of elimination (bowel,kidneys,lungs,skin and lymphatic system), as well as other organs, the bloodstream, cells, and tissues. Internal cleansing is achieved without fasting.
To fully understand the importance of internal cleansing we must first realize that every tissue in the body is fed by the blood-stream. The blood-stream is supplied by the bowel. When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty, and so are the organs and tissues. It is the bowel that must be cared for first. When you discover the benefits of internal cleansing and understand the positive changes that can be brought into your body, internal detoxification will become a passionate part of your life.
Many experts claim that the bowel is the hub of the human body. They also claim that toxic build-up in the bowel is a precursor to various types of health issues. Dr. Bernard Jensen, nutritionist, lecturer, and author of over 30 books on natural health care, states: "This line of thinking has been disputed by some members of the medical profession, yet the amazing facts supporting these ideas are undeniable."
Where Are Your Meals Hiding?
Proper bowel function entails having 2 to 3 good (soft but solid) bowel movements per day. Most people are not aware of this, and go through their daily lives eliminating once a day, once every other day, or less. Ask yourself this question on a daily basis: If we eat three meals a day and only eliminate once a day, where are the other 2 meals hiding? The belief in the importance of eliminating 2 to 3 times a day can be validated by using an infant as an example. Ask any mother for further proof-A baby will eat and immediately eliminate. Their new digestive systems have not had time to develop malabsorption problems caused by improper diet, environmental toxins, and stress. Faulty digestion and elimination develop in an individual through years of improper lifestyle and dietary habits.
When we are not eliminating properly, wastes may not be expelled for days, weeks, months, or even, years. Auto-intoxication (self-poisoning) may result as waste and toxins back up in the colon. This occurs when the bowel walls become encrusted with uneliminated fecal matter, hampering the absorption of vital nutrients and providing a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria. Blood capillaries lining the bowel wall begin to absorb these toxins into the bloodstream, consequently polluting all of our organs and cells. What would happen if we didn't empty our garbage cans for months and we kept on throwing more and more food on top of the old? Wouldn't all of our homes start smelling like a garbage dump? The same thing happens with a sluggish, clogged colon. The toxic wastes have nowhere to go, so they build up in the bowel. These poisons eventually seep into every cell in the body, setting the stage for "disease". This auto-intoxication lowers are overall feeling of health and vitality. We start to blame other factors such as aging on why we experience a lack of vitality. The true fact is that age has nothing to do with this depletion of energy and less than optimal health. Ninety percent of the time, these complaints can be alleviated through internal cleansing techniques.
Obvious Symptoms Of An Unhealthy Digestive Tract:
• Poor Digestion • Fatigue • Lower Backache • Bad Breath • Stiff Joints
• Stomach Bloat • Poor Skin • Body Odor • Poor Elimination • Gas
Good health is a journey; you don't find it one day and lose it the next. And you have to start somewhere. For most of us, that means detoxifying and cleansing our digestive and intestinal systems. Second, we must continually and fully nourish ourselves. Finally, we work to address our individual health needs, whether they be losing unwanted pounds or increasing our mental energy. By following this path as you journey to good health ... you will feel better than you have in years.
Dr. Lindsay Duncan, C.N.,N.D.,President and Founder of the Home Nutrition Clinic and C.E.O. and formulator of Nature's Secret product lines.
Internal cleansing is the key to optimum health. It improves energy levels, digestion, elimination, and much more. But,most people confuse internal cleansing with fasting. Internal cleansing is accomplished through a two-part formula called Ultimate Cleanse, created by Dr. Lindsey Duncan, N.D.,C.N. for Nature's Secret. Ultimate Cleanse contains a combination of 51 herbs and fibers to help your body detoxify all five channels of elimination (bowel,kidneys,lungs,skin and lymphatic system), as well as other organs, the bloodstream, cells, and tissues. Internal cleansing is achieved without fasting.
To fully understand the importance of internal cleansing we must first realize that every tissue in the body is fed by the blood-stream. The blood-stream is supplied by the bowel. When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty, and so are the organs and tissues. It is the bowel that must be cared for first. When you discover the benefits of internal cleansing and understand the positive changes that can be brought into your body, internal detoxification will become a passionate part of your life.
Many experts claim that the bowel is the hub of the human body. They also claim that toxic build-up in the bowel is a precursor to various types of health issues. Dr. Bernard Jensen, nutritionist, lecturer, and author of over 30 books on natural health care, states: "This line of thinking has been disputed by some members of the medical profession, yet the amazing facts supporting these ideas are undeniable."
Where Are Your Meals Hiding?
Proper bowel function entails having 2 to 3 good (soft but solid) bowel movements per day. Most people are not aware of this, and go through their daily lives eliminating once a day, once every other day, or less. Ask yourself this question on a daily basis: If we eat three meals a day and only eliminate once a day, where are the other 2 meals hiding? The belief in the importance of eliminating 2 to 3 times a day can be validated by using an infant as an example. Ask any mother for further proof-A baby will eat and immediately eliminate. Their new digestive systems have not had time to develop malabsorption problems caused by improper diet, environmental toxins, and stress. Faulty digestion and elimination develop in an individual through years of improper lifestyle and dietary habits.
When we are not eliminating properly, wastes may not be expelled for days, weeks, months, or even, years. Auto-intoxication (self-poisoning) may result as waste and toxins back up in the colon. This occurs when the bowel walls become encrusted with uneliminated fecal matter, hampering the absorption of vital nutrients and providing a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria. Blood capillaries lining the bowel wall begin to absorb these toxins into the bloodstream, consequently polluting all of our organs and cells. What would happen if we didn't empty our garbage cans for months and we kept on throwing more and more food on top of the old? Wouldn't all of our homes start smelling like a garbage dump? The same thing happens with a sluggish, clogged colon. The toxic wastes have nowhere to go, so they build up in the bowel. These poisons eventually seep into every cell in the body, setting the stage for "disease". This auto-intoxication lowers are overall feeling of health and vitality. We start to blame other factors such as aging on why we experience a lack of vitality. The true fact is that age has nothing to do with this depletion of energy and less than optimal health. Ninety percent of the time, these complaints can be alleviated through internal cleansing techniques.
Obvious Symptoms Of An Unhealthy Digestive Tract:
• Poor Digestion • Fatigue • Lower Backache • Bad Breath • Stiff Joints
• Stomach Bloat • Poor Skin • Body Odor • Poor Elimination • Gas
Good health is a journey; you don't find it one day and lose it the next. And you have to start somewhere. For most of us, that means detoxifying and cleansing our digestive and intestinal systems. Second, we must continually and fully nourish ourselves. Finally, we work to address our individual health needs, whether they be losing unwanted pounds or increasing our mental energy. By following this path as you journey to good health ... you will feel better than you have in years.
Dr. Lindsay Duncan, C.N.,N.D.,President and Founder of the Home Nutrition Clinic and C.E.O. and formulator of Nature's Secret product lines.