What is electromagnetic radiation (EMF's)? The interactive change of electric and magnetic fields generates electromagnetic waves, and the phenomenon of the air-launch or exposure of electromagnetic waves is called as electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic radiation exceeding the safety limit causes the electromagnetic pollution. At present, the electromagnetic pollution has become the first major pollution, being ranked before the sewage, waste gas and noise. Electromagnetic radiation and physical health: On the subject whether the electromagnetic field (50-60HZ) of industrial frequency impacts the physical health, occident countries have made a large number of surveys and statistical analysis and obtain a surprising result: the probability of occurrence of human tumors is closely related to the low-frequency electromagnetic radiation. Mechanism of electromagnetic radiation on the human body: The human body, being a conductor, can absorb electromagnetic energy. Under the action of electromagnetic field, the human body will cause thermal effects. The greater the strength of electromagnetic field, the more obvious the thermal effects are. In addition, it will interfere with the transmission of bio-electrical information of the human body. Harms of electromagnetic radiation on the human body are mainly showed: Electromagnetic radiation can widely impact the human health, and can change neurological, reproductive, cardiovascular and immune functions, eye vision, etc. The main symptoms include headache, dizziness, memory loss, inability of concentration, depression, irritability, women's menstrual disorders, breast cancer, skin aging, breathing difficulties, back pain and so on. The rate of occurrence of leukemia of people often contacting with electromagnetic radiation is 2.93 times higher than that of the healthy people, and the rate of occurrence of brain tumors is 3.26 times higher than that of the healthy people. On Sale On Sale Cell Phone EMF Harmonizer & Heat Reducer
What's Your Brain Worth?
Protect Your Ears, Brain & Body Against The Harmful Effects Of Cell Phone Radiation & Heating Anti-Electromagnetic Radiation Cell Phone Anti-Electromagnetic Radiation Patch/Sticker. Specially designed Cell Phone Anti-Electromagnetic Patch can effectively remove headache, insomnia and hair loss caused by Electronic radiation. prevent stress, fatigue, and brain tumors and blood cancer caused by electromagnetic radiation. Ray Allard (Essentials of Life) - My wife (June) had been getting jaw pain while using her cell phone. She had to hold the phone further away from her ear to try to alleviate it. After applying the cell phone harmonizer, the jaw pain went away. I would hate to think how her health would have been affected a few years down the road without the protection. Is Technology Killing Us? Quantum Shield EMR Anti-Radiation Sticker
Quantum Shield "Simply" Blocks A Large Percentage Of EMF Or EMR That Comes Through It And It Really Works! Â
Anti Radiation & Battery Salvage Cell Phone Sticker The revolutionary Quantum Shield offers the most advanced technology to address stress where you live, work and play. Quantum Shield is the leader in eradicating electro pollution in the world of high technology. The ultimate first-line defense against electro pollution, FusionExcel’s Quantum Shield can be used on any appliance or device emitting electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) or electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as mobile phones, home phones, cars, microwaves, computers, game consoles, home appliances, etc.  If it plugs and plays on DC or AC currents, protect it with Quantum Shield. On Sale On Sale (CLEARANCE) EMF Personal Protection - Anti-Radiation CardOnly a few left!
The Radisafe Electromagnetic Radiation Card is made of the latest nano absorb material. The work performance is similar to U.S. stealth aircraft coating. It is essentially different from the metal shielding products currently on the market. It is a truly absorbing decontamination of hightech products.
The Radisafe Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Card can absorb electromagnetic radiation into the card (including a range of cards weeks) of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic waves will be absorbed in the form of heat dissipation, thereby forming a card about 30 cm radius from the surface of the protection, to reduce electromagnetic radiation, protection of human health. Negative ions and weak magnetic field is very beneficial to human body. PEMF MEDALLION Portable Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device - Personal EMF Neutralizer
Scientists suspect that certain illnesses are caused at least partially by the cumulative burden of constant and higher level of EMF exposures. Daily use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device helps significantly offset and neutralize the negative effects of harmful magnetic fields. Use a personal EMF neutralizer multiple times daily to protect yourself from EMF pollution.
Portable Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device to effectively neutralize harmful EMF signals
![]() In light of the many anti-sun and anti-tanning articles appearing in various media publications both local and national and the recent under 18 tanning salon legislation here in New Hampshire, I feel it is time that the media spoke with someone that has actually tanned indoors, moderately and consistently, year round since 1982. The month of May was designated “National Skin Cancer Awareness Month” by the media and medical establishment, A few years ago, I felt it appropriate to offer my story as an alternative to the onslaught of anti-tanning articles published by the MSM (Main Stream Media). I contacted local and regional newspapers (2 reporters from Foster’s Daily Democrat, Seacoast Online aka The Portsmouth Herald, and The Union Leader) by email, to meet with them and offer a different perspective on tanning and skin cancer. Not surprisingly to me, I did not receive a reply. Why Bite The Hand That Feeds Them? Their Biggest Advertisers Support The Anti-Tanning Movement Scan any print publication and you will quickly realize that the lions share of print advertising dollars comes from the medical and cosmetic industry. An article that raises questions or causes doubt regarding the current beliefs on skin cancer and tanning will go against their advertisers agenda and not be in best financial interests of the media. I am in my seventies, have owned and operated Tan Plus in Somersworth, NH since 1987 and involved in the industry since 1982. This is what the msm does not want you to know
The media continues to line up their favorite medical “experts” employing fear to attack the tanning industry and enhance their agenda. While claiming to protect their patients from this “harmful” practice, the same medical doctors continue to push drugs (aka “meds”) that result in further complications and ultimately, death in the long term. Dermatologists, while frightening their patients out of the sun and tanning salons, do not hesitate in prescribing harmful drugs like Accutane to acne-prone teens. Accutane, by admission of their manufacturer (Roche) sports side effects that include depression, psychosis, acute pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and vision and hearing impairment. According to the FDA, between 1998 and 2000 Accutane was linked with at least 160 cases of suicide, attempted suicide, suicidal thoughts, and hospitalization-more than 50 cases per year. In 1990, the FDA estimated that since the drug's introduction in 1982, there had been 11,000 to 13,000 Accutane-related abortions, and 900 to 1100 Accutane-related birth defects. Why Not “Ask Your Doctor If Tanning Is Right For You”? The U.S. has been designated as having the "Most Expensive-Least Effective" healthcare system in the world, yet people continue to rely on advice on diet and lifestyle from their primary care doctors and pharmaceutical companies. Today's medical doctors are trained to push drugs by pharmaceutical reps that have little or no knowledge of how the body’s organs function. The typical unsolicited programmed advice from your doctor would be “I don’t want you to tan.” So What Is A Doctor’s Recommendations To Sun And Tanning? • Avoid The Sun And Tanning Altogether - Although indoor tanning salons are allowed to advertise and promote only the cosmetic effects of tanning, many studies show that ultraviolet light has positive health effects on our bodies. Sunlight is our only reliable source of vitamin D, which is a factor in decreasing our risks of contracting breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, cancers of the blood and lymph tissues, and even osteoporosis. Cancer incidences have actually been found to be lower in sunny climates. Sunshine is the source of all life and energy on our planet. Every form of life on Earth can trace its beginnings to the energy transmitted every day in sunshine. We have an developed epidemic of vitamin D deficiency since people are spending very little time outdoors. To compensate, doctors are prescribing very high doses of vitamin D supplements which can become toxic to the body and calcify the bones. You cannot overdose on vitamin D derived from the sun or uv exposures. Related Article: Vitamin D: Dangers In High Doses • Use A Sunscreen - When you use sunscreen your body is absorbing synthetic chemicals, and with the "so called" experts' recommendations to apply generous amounts of the product every few hours, you will likely be absorbing a fair amount. Is it merely a coincidence that sunscreen sales have skyrocketed and so has skin cancer? In addition, sunscreen has been added to make-up and most skincare products. If sunscreen was such a miracle potion, shouldn't skin cancer have been irradiated by now? The evidence against most sunscreen ingredients has been mounting. A vitamin A compound, retinyl palmitate, found in 41 percent of sunscreens, is finally being investigated by the FDA. The FDA's data suggests that retinyl palmitate may be photocarcinogenic, meaning that in the presence of the sun's ultraviolet rays, the compound and skin undergo complex biochemical changes resulting in cancer. Another sunscreen chemical, oxybenzone, a hormone-disrupting compound that penetrates the skin and enters the bloodstream, has been detected by the Centers of Disease Control in the bodies of 97 percent of Americans tested. Related Article: Does Sunscreen Cause Cancer? What The Media And Doctors Won't Tell You • Get A Spray Tan - Since the late 1990's Tan Plus, as well as most tanning salons worldwide, have been solicited by spray tanning equipment and solution distributors to add their "safe UV alternative" as a service at our salon. Due to our concerns about the short and long term potential health affects of the chemical, DHA (dihydroxyacetone) used as the coloring agent, we declined to offer spray tanning. We would not apply this chemical to our own skin so we could not justify doing this to our customers. Your skin is like a sponge. What you put on it will eventually be absorbed into the blood stream. We have been openly critical of dihydroxyacetone used in spray tanning as well as other chemicals used in sunscreen and "tingle factor" lotions. Sunless tanning is strictly cosmetic with no protection from sunburn and does not provide any benefit of vitamin D synthesis. Needless to say, many tanning salons and even dermatologists jumped on the spray tanning bandwagon as a way to boost revenues. Most disturbing to me was that doctors took their authoritative position to persuade their patients, even pregnant women, to spray tan while providing absolutely no evidence of the safety of the chemical, dihydroxyacetone and without any concern of the potential affects to the fetus. After thorough review, six medical experts in areas ranging across the fields of dermatology, toxicology and pulmonary medicine have concluded that the active chemical used in spray tans, dihydroxyacetone (DHA), has the potential to cause genetic alterations and DNA damage. The panel of medical experts reviewed 10 of the most-current publicly available scientific studies on DHA for ABC News (06/12/12), including a federal report ABC News obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Related Article: Are 'Spray-On' Tans Safe? Experts Raise Questions as Industry Puts Out Warnings New Hampshire’s Under Age 18 Tanning Ban: House Bill 136 - The Hidden Agenda This bill makes it unlawful for a person under the age of 18 to use a tanning device at a registered tanning facility in this state. HB136 Section II. This section shall not apply to any physician, advanced practiced registered nurse, or physician assistant licensed under RSA 329, RSA 326-B, or RSA 328-D, respectively, who, in his or her practice, uses or prescribes to be used a phototherapy device with respect to a patient of any age. The medical establishment considers tanning and uv exposure to be unsafe, yet they are perfectly willing to take control of the tanning business that will be lost by licensed tanning facilities and turn an average $6.00 tanning session into a $60.00 “phototherapy” session and bill insurance for the charge. Something doesn’t smell right to me. More Tanning Views & FAQ’s Tan Plus...Experience The Difference It’s estimated that over 45 million Americans go on some type of diet each year and spend over $33 billion on weight loss products. While this is true, two-thirds of Americans are still considered overweight and/or obese.
Unfortunately, many of the diet products and methods are dangerous and can wind up doing more harm than good. A great way to avoid these unexpected negative consequences, while still achieving weight loss goals is by turning to natural supplements. Some of the best supplements for weight loss can be found here. ChitosanThis is a type of sugar derived from the outer layers of shrimp, crabs, and lobsters. According to experts, it can effectively block cholesterol and fat, keeping it from being absorbed by the body. The question of whether it can actually help you lose weight is still up in the air; however, it can be beneficial, especially if you already suffer from high cholesterol. However, if you have a shellfish allergy, avoid chitosan, as it is made from shellfish. Chromium PicolinateThis is a mineral that works to enhance insulin, which is a hormone that is essential for turning the food you consume into energy. It is also required by the body to store proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. There are some claims that this supplement can also help with boosting your muscle mass, cutting your body fat, helping you burn more calories, and lowering your appetite. Keep in mind, though, you don’t need to consume over 35 micrograms per day of chromium supplements. If you take higher doses, you may begin to suffer from headaches, problems thinking or focusing, irritability, and insomnia. CLA – Conjugated Linoleic AcidThis is a more well-known supplement that contains the chemicals that are found in linoleic acid, which is a fatty acid. It’s believed that this supplement can help to reduce body fat and help you feel full, longer after eating. GlucomannanThis is a supplement that is created from elements of the konjac plant. Similar to other dietary fibers, it’s designed to help you lose weight by blocking the fat in your food from being absorbed in your body. Some early studies have concluded that this supplement may be helpful in weight loss efforts. Green Tea ExtractThere are a large number of reasons to utilize green tea extract. It offers an array of health benefits, beyond what it can do for you if you are trying to lose weight. However, for this purpose, green tea extract can help to curb your appetite and raise your fat and calorie metabolism. Just like anything else, though, you may experience some side effects, so it’s a good idea to begin with a lower dose and work your way up. Finding the Right Weight Loss SupplementWhen it comes to supplements for weight loss, you may have to use a process of trial and error to find out what works for you. While this may take time, it will be worth it in the long run and help you achieve a happier and healthier body. |
Ray Allard (owner/founder)
Essentials Of Life was created in 1995 to contribute to a healthy lifestyle through education and by offering services and products that to make a positive difference in our customers lives and help them put their health on track. Our main purpose is to help our clients by giving them the tools to help them take charge of their own health. Archives
November 2021