Compare-Metatron 4025 Hunter- Old vs. New
Errors with other companies old Metatron 4025 Hunter Software and Hardware by Charles Claessens
We know many companies offer old Metatron 4025 Hunter device in China. Why much cheaper ? Why very bad technology services ?
In fact, They use the same old software and hardware, but their machines look different.
Serious Problems That Makes The Old Hunter Software Not Usable!
What is “Entropy Analysis”?
The Entropy (two-factor) analysis builds a mathematical model of pathological processes taking healthy tissue as the initial (zero) phase and a clinically pronounced form of a pathological process as the final one. Then makes a mathematical calculation for the graphs of a number of intermediate states.
In the course of analysis the highest spectral similarity to any of the intermediate states or extreme states are determined. In this way the maturity of the process and the signs of a preclinical pathology are defined. So the Entropy Analysis function is Very important in Hunter system.
1, After pressing Entropy Analysis button and then therapy or exit button generates major error, Then the software will be paralyzed, You will see :
We know many companies offer old Metatron 4025 Hunter device in China. Why much cheaper ? Why very bad technology services ?
In fact, They use the same old software and hardware, but their machines look different.
Serious Problems That Makes The Old Hunter Software Not Usable!
What is “Entropy Analysis”?
The Entropy (two-factor) analysis builds a mathematical model of pathological processes taking healthy tissue as the initial (zero) phase and a clinically pronounced form of a pathological process as the final one. Then makes a mathematical calculation for the graphs of a number of intermediate states.
In the course of analysis the highest spectral similarity to any of the intermediate states or extreme states are determined. In this way the maturity of the process and the signs of a preclinical pathology are defined. So the Entropy Analysis function is Very important in Hunter system.
1, After pressing Entropy Analysis button and then therapy or exit button generates major error, Then the software will be paralyzed, You will see :
Watch the Old hunter Entorpy anlaysis bugs demo video :
Serious problems of Hardware
1, The cups (Resonant chamber) have been found to have invalid electronic circuits and are not to work. Then you can’t Test health products. This is very important. For example , Test “Water 50 ml” ,The results always Weakening compensatory reactions and Nidus of defeat without changes.
1, The cups (Resonant chamber) have been found to have invalid electronic circuits and are not to work. Then you can’t Test health products. This is very important. For example , Test “Water 50 ml” ,The results always Weakening compensatory reactions and Nidus of defeat without changes.
Please watch the Old hunter VegetoTest Bugs demo video :
2 , Several old HUNTER devices using a special 3-pin and 4-pin connectors and cables, the common flaw is easily damaged because they are manual welding interface, very easy to become loose, the device often can’t connect, you can only purchase the additional cable from suppliers, can’t purchase in your country, thereby increasing your extra costs: Common old equipment 1:
The Old Hunter cables details:
1. Manual welding the 4-pin USB2.0 cable , it is easily damaged or become loose, you can only buy from suppliers:
1. Manual welding the 4-pin USB2.0 cable , it is easily damaged or become loose, you can only buy from suppliers:
The advantages of the NEW Hunter connector and cable:
1. Using a common USB2.0 cable, it uses machine compression technology , not easily damaged, you can purchase it from a computer store in your country:
2. Using a common 3.5MM audio cable,it uses machine compression technology , not easily damaged, you can purchase it from a computer store in your country: