What's In YOUR Water?The anthrax events that followed the September 11, 2001 tragedy virtually crippled the U.S. postal system and put the lives of postal workers and many Americans at risk. The intense media coverage that followed, fueled the fire to the point where many even purchased gas masks in fear of a possible biological attack. For years to follow, many maintained caution when going to the mailbox, yet turned on the water faucet without the slightest bit of uncertainty. While anthrax appeared to be targeted to a handful of high profile individuals, contaminated water supplies can affect everyone of us. We don't have to wait for a terrorist to poison our water supplies, it's continually being poisoned and little is being done to stop it. 400,000 Sick...100 Die From Drinking Water Containing Microscopic Parasites In 1993 about 400,000 Milwaukee residents became sick from Cryptosporidium, a waterborne parasite. Of those, 100 people died. Chlorination cannot kill this microbe. Further, turning to bottled water may not solve the problem since bottle water is not tested for microbial contaminents like Cryptosporidium. According to Ken Cook, the president of the Environmental Working Group, "Approximately forty-five million Americans in thousands of communities drink water that is polluted with fecal matter, parasites, disease-causing microbes, and pesticides at levels that violate Safe Drinking Water Act standards. 21 Children Die From Exposure To Contaminated Drinking Water The movie A Civil Action , released in 1999, became a powerful and vivid reminder of how our drinking water clearly impacts the quality of our lives, how easily a community's drinking water gets contaminated, and how those responsible for the contamination and ultimately, the deaths of 21 children, were able to escape blame. A Civil Action was based on a real life story that began in Woburn, Mass. where 21 children died when members of the community were exposed to drinking water contaminated by two major industries over a period of time. It took more than 20 years for Massachusetts health authorities to complete its studies and confirm that the children's deaths were caused by drinking water contaminated with trichloroethylene(TCE) and tetrachloroethylene(PCE). 7,000 NH Private Wells Tainted By Gasoline Additive MTBE As reported in Fosters' Daily Democrat (1/31/00), as many as 7,000 wells may have been contaminated with unsafe levels of the gasoline additive MTBE, while as many as 33,000 more contain lower trace levels. MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) is a man-made chemical added to gasoline to reduce air pollution from vehicle emissions. It has been classified as a possible human carcinogen because laboratory rats and mice that breathe or drink it have developed lymphoma, leukemia, testicular tumors, thyroid tumors, and kidney tumors. MTBE is highly soluble in water and degrades slowly. A mere gallon of gasoline containing MTBE can foul an entire community's water supply for years. Chlorine: Friend or Foe? Chlorine has been used in the U.S. since 1908 to kill off microbes that spread cholera, typhoid fever, and other waterborne diseases. Today, about 90% (240 million) of Americans are drinking water that has been disinfected with chlorine. In the mid 1970's scientists discovered that a by-product of chlorine, Trihalomethanes (THMs)had carcinogenic qualities. While saving millions of lives, it is becoming evident that Chlorine by-products contribute to bladder and colon cancer, and possibly miscarriage. A study, recently released by the Environmental Working Group and Public Interest Research Groups identified areas that may have increased health risks, including miscarriage, neural tube defects, and reduced fetal growth from women drinking chlorination by-products. Is bottled water a healthy water? One out of 18 families in the US buys bottled water. But, many bottled waters are simply processed water using distillation, reverse osmosis, de-ionization or filtration. With more than 700 brands of bottled water available in the US, around 80 % have been found to be nothing more than processed waters. Laboratory tests have discovered that some bottled waters contained more Trihalomethanes (Chlorine by-products) than surface and ground waters. Needless to say, bottled waters should be totally free of contaminants and chemical pollutants. To Be or Not To Be Concerned? In a report commissioned by Ralph Nader, at least 2,110 contaminants have been identified in the nation's water supplies. Of these, 700 are considered hazardous to your health, with 129 known to cause cancer. The EPA requires that only 85 of these be tested for and reduced by municipal water companies, with only 8 tested for in private wells in Maine and NH. Our bodies require at least 8 glasses of water each day for proper function. But, today drinking the water is like playing Russian roulette. While we have little control over substances like anthrax, we can protect our drinking water with a point-of-use filtration system capable of reducing a wide range of contaminents including cryptosporidium, MTBE, THMs, and more. We are ultimately responsible for our own and our families' health. When you turn on the tap, you don't have to ask yourself "do I feel lucky today" ? If You Don't Have A Filter...YOU Are The Filter! On Sale On Sale (Clearance) "Water Wizard"TM Counter Top Drinking Water SystemOnly a few left!
The Water WizardTM Countertop is a very Attractive Asset to your Countertop Landscape. This Filter Easily Installs without Tools and Offers 10-12 Months of Purified Water without any Maintenance or Cartridge Replacement. Now you can have Filtered Water at a Finger's Touch for Anything from Drinking Water to Cooking to Plants and Pets.
Replacement cartridge-VOC-1 Compressed Catalytic Carbon Block April ShowerTM Original Shower HeadSold out
The April Shower Original filter offers 12 months of Filtered Water for Your Shower.
The Original Filter uses State-of-the-Art Filtration Technology to remove Harmful Chemicals and Vapors from your Shower. Feel The Difference in your Skin and Hair by Showering with the April Shower Original Filter. Use this Filter in Combination with your Favorite Showerhead Filter Life:10-12 Months (Cartridge Included) Replacement Cartridge: April Shower Replacement Cartridge (APRC) On Sale On Sale (Clearance) April Shower Royale 5-Spray Filtered ShowerheadOnly a few left!
The April Shower® Royale Filtered Shower head is a compact shower filter model that incorporates the filtration and shower head “all-in-one”. The wide shower head, with 5 adjustable spray patterns (fine, mist, fine/full, full and pulse massage), furnishes a luxurious, chlorine-free experience every time you shower. What’s more, this model features anti-scale spray nozzles that prevent calcium stains from ever forming.
Comes all ready to go with an included 6 month replaceable cartridge, APSLC item #756 . Our patented filtration media is clinically proven to make hair more healthy and vibrant and skin softer and smoother. It is the ideal shower to preserve color-treated hair. Water WizardTM Undercounter Drinking Water SystemSold out
The Water Wizard™ Catalytic Carbon Block Under Sink Water Filter System is the ideal filter that supplies purified water without cluttering your counter or tying up your kitchen sink. The Water Wizard Under-Counter unit offers one year of purified water without any maintenance or cartridge replacement.
It removes chloramine, chlorine, VOC’s (volatile organic contaminants) Lead and other Heavy Metals, cyst parasites (Giardia and Cryptosporidium) and makes the water taste great. Now you can have filtered water at a finger’s touch for anything from drinking water to cooking to plants and pets. Replacement cartridge-VOC-1 Compressed Catalytic Carbon Block |
Ray Allard (owner/founder)
Essentials Of Life was created in 1995 to contribute to a healthy lifestyle through education and by offering services and products that to make a positive difference in our customers lives and help them put their health on track. Our main purpose is to help our clients by giving them the tools to help them take charge of their own health. Archives
November 2021