We Don't Age - We AccumulateTurning 50 adds a special meaning to the phrase "without your health, nothing else matters". Statistics indicate that the average life expectancy is about 75. While some of us will live to be 100, most have begun the dying process many years before we reach the age of 50.
I have always considered myself to be healthy, yet through the aging process I had found that between accumulated normal stress, the present environmental conditions, and less than ideal eating habits, my body was on a road of degenerative health. Since growing up in the 50's, I have watched our society convert from independence to one of dependence, especially in the area of health care. It seems we have come to depend on medical technologies and drugs to attempt to correct the damage we incur through unhealthy lifestyles. While we question the "quality of life" we survive on a diet of fast food, work in high-stress jobs, and have replaced walking with the drive-up window. I used to think it was normal to have an occasional headache or a stomach cramp, to become sleepy in the afternoon or wake up in the middle of the night and have difficulty getting back to sleep. I haven't become what some would consider a "natural health fanatic". But, when I reached the age of 50 in 1995, I began focusing on achieving optimum health. Through dietary changes, avoiding the drive-up window, internal cleansing, supplementing with nutritional formulas, drinking filtered water instead of soda, and changing indoor air and lighting, I actually feel better now than I did when I was 30. I get a good night's sleep, every night, have endless energy during the day, and think clearer. Our bodies are made up of cells (about 300 trillion). Millions of cells die each day, while a million new cells are born each and every hour. Every 90 days our blood cells renew. Every 3 years the soft tissues (organs) renew. Every 7 years the hard tissue (bones) renew. If the only nutrients available to our cells are of poor quality, then it stands to reason that the cells may still use these poor-quality nutrients and manufacture poor quality cells. The cells we accumulate transform into health or disease. Positive health changes through natural alternatives won't happen overnight, but I have found that it does happen. My wife's digestive and other medical problems were corrected with natural health alternatives. Her conditions and how her health changed became the driving force behind the creation of Essentials Of Life in 1994. I wish I knew at age 30 what I began to discover at 50. Through making adjustments to diet and lifestyle over time, I have discovered what is is like to experience “Real Health” and it is never too late to begin the transition. Your journey can begin now. The first day of your life that you experience less energy, less vitality, and less mental power, is the first day of your impending illness, Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D., Ph.D Comments are closed.
Ray Allard (owner/founder)
Essentials Of Life was created in 1995 to contribute to a healthy lifestyle through education and by offering services and products that to make a positive difference in our customers lives and help them put their health on track. Our main purpose is to help our clients by giving them the tools to help them take charge of their own health. Archives
November 2021