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The Oberon system came into being, as the result of many years of medical, biological, physical and technological research carried out by the authors and developers: V. I. Nesterov, A. E. Akimov, Y.V. Nosov and D. V. Koshelenko
RF Patent No200161075 of 16022001 dated 16.02.2001 USA patent USA US N 6.549.805. B1 dated 15.04.2003.
Operating Principle And Operational Procedures
The system operates according to the principle of the amplification of the initiating signal of disintegrating meta-stable structures. Affected by the external electromagnetic field, magnetic moments of molecular currents in the admixture centers of the cortex nerve cells, causes them to loose their original orientation. This result in misalignment of the spin structures of these delocalized electrons gives rise to unstable or meta-stable states within them. These disintegrating conditions then act as the initiating signal.
In terms of physics the apparatus is a system of electronic oscillations, which resonate at the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. With their energy being equal to the energy required to break down the dominant bands that maintain the structural organization of the biological object. The system enables the production of a preset bioelectrical activity of the brain neurons, and with this background activity, it becomes possible to selectively amplify signals, which before were hardly detectable against the static fluctuations. The information about the specific temporary conditions of organs and tissues are then gathered on a non-contact basis by means of a "trigger-sensor", developed with the aid of modern information technology and micro-circuitry. The sensor detects faint signal fluctuations and selects them from the average statistical noise characteristics of the field and converts them to a digital sequence that is processed by a microprocessor, which is then transmitted to the computer through the interface cable.
Special Requirements
Requirements to carry out functional objectives in research mode. The diagnosis program uses the
algorithms introduced into the program to carry out the diagnostic analysis. During the diagnosis
session information exchange takes place by means of the following apparatus placed on the patient's
body. Operational life is not less than 5 years.Apparatus design provides safety of a patient and
personnel. Emergency stop of the apparatus will not cause any harmful side effects.
The apparatus is intended to register psychophysics changes in system and allows to:
The information on a particular temporary condition of a biological object is read contact lessly with the help of a digital trigger sensor, which was
developed using modern information technologies and micro circuitry catching tiny fluctuations of the signals, evolved out of average statistical noise
characteristics of the fields, and converted into a digital sequence, processed with the help of a microprocessor for transmitting it via interface cable to the computer.
The Oberon system came into being, as the result of many years of medical, biological, physical and technological research carried out by the authors and developers: V. I. Nesterov, A. E. Akimov, Y.V. Nosov and D. V. Koshelenko
RF Patent No200161075 of 16022001 dated 16.02.2001 USA patent USA US N 6.549.805. B1 dated 15.04.2003.
Operating Principle And Operational Procedures
The system operates according to the principle of the amplification of the initiating signal of disintegrating meta-stable structures. Affected by the external electromagnetic field, magnetic moments of molecular currents in the admixture centers of the cortex nerve cells, causes them to loose their original orientation. This result in misalignment of the spin structures of these delocalized electrons gives rise to unstable or meta-stable states within them. These disintegrating conditions then act as the initiating signal.
In terms of physics the apparatus is a system of electronic oscillations, which resonate at the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. With their energy being equal to the energy required to break down the dominant bands that maintain the structural organization of the biological object. The system enables the production of a preset bioelectrical activity of the brain neurons, and with this background activity, it becomes possible to selectively amplify signals, which before were hardly detectable against the static fluctuations. The information about the specific temporary conditions of organs and tissues are then gathered on a non-contact basis by means of a "trigger-sensor", developed with the aid of modern information technology and micro-circuitry. The sensor detects faint signal fluctuations and selects them from the average statistical noise characteristics of the field and converts them to a digital sequence that is processed by a microprocessor, which is then transmitted to the computer through the interface cable.
Special Requirements
Requirements to carry out functional objectives in research mode. The diagnosis program uses the
algorithms introduced into the program to carry out the diagnostic analysis. During the diagnosis
session information exchange takes place by means of the following apparatus placed on the patient's
body. Operational life is not less than 5 years.Apparatus design provides safety of a patient and
personnel. Emergency stop of the apparatus will not cause any harmful side effects.
The apparatus is intended to register psychophysics changes in system and allows to:
- Get qualitative estimation of functional condition in a form of topical analysis.
- Control effectiveness and results of different ways of treatment.
- Analyze dynamics of functional condition changes over period of time.
- Determine initial nidus of functional breach.
- Estimate character of changes using expert systems.
- Estimate basic characteristics of bio-system homeostasis.
The information on a particular temporary condition of a biological object is read contact lessly with the help of a digital trigger sensor, which was
developed using modern information technologies and micro circuitry catching tiny fluctuations of the signals, evolved out of average statistical noise
characteristics of the fields, and converted into a digital sequence, processed with the help of a microprocessor for transmitting it via interface cable to the computer.
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